Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
WELCA Purpose Statement
As a community of women, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
WELCA is a national organization of women from congregations across the United States and the Caribbean. The governing board is known as Churchwide (CW) which is located in Chicago. WELCA is divided into Women’s Synods (or regions). First English belongs to the Indiana-Kentucky Synod. Congregational organizations are called units. Each has a constitution that follows the blueprint developed by CW. Each unit decides how they will participate in the life of the Church and what activities they will undertake.
WELCA at First English
The unit at First English is very active and has evolved over the years. Every woman in the congregation is considered to be a member of WELCA. The Board is elected to serve for two years and consists of a Coordinator, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board meets once a month to review past activities and to plan for future projects. The meeting is open to all who wish to attend. Our focus is to be a bridge between the Church and the community.
We coordinate closely with the Church Council to determine how we can contribute financially or by peoplepower to complete church projects and activities. Annually the unit hosts an Easter Vigil buffet/Easter morning breakfast, an Advent brunch, and a Christmas Eve reception. For Mother’s Day and Father’s Day we share a small gift (flowers, snacks, candy) for all women and men in the church.
Our unit also sends out cards monthly to those in the congregation who are ill or shut-in. We have a funeral luncheon program to provide comfort for congregation members who have lost a loved one.
Our biggest project of the year is our annual Rummage Sale which we have been conducting for over 25 years. The surrounding community looks forward to this event. We are able to raise money for community charities in addition to providing needed goods to those charities. Charities that have received support from us include St. Margaret’s House, Hannah’s House, Pet Refuge, Broadway Christian Church, the M.A.C. Food Pantry, the Upper Room, the YWCA, the Youth Service Bureau, Resale to the Rescue, Hope Ministries, Miller’s Vets, and others. We also use our funds to support Lutheran World Relief to help in times of crisis such as the 2022 floods in Kentucky and Florida.
Our annual Christmas project includes choosing a charity to receive physical donations of a specified category and monetary donations for the charity or churchwide need.
WELCA is ever evolving and we welcome all to participate to the degree that they are able.